Shulamite Green, Ph.D.
Principal Investigator
Dr. Shulamite Green is an Assistant Professor in UCLA’s Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences. Dr. Green completed a doctorate in Clinical Psychology at UCLA in 2014, and thereafter completed a postdoctoral fellowship focused on pediatric functional neuroimaging methods at UCLA’s Brain Mapping Center. Dr. Green has received multiple NIH fellowships and awards to study the neural bases of heterogeneity across neurodevelopmental conditions, with a focus on sensory over-responsivity. Dr. Green’s research integrates neuroimaging, psychophysiological, and behavioral methods to identify individual differences in risk markers and outcomes in high-risk developmental populations including children with autism, children with anxiety disorders, and children with early life adversity. Current research directions include examining how sensory over-responsivity is associated with social functioning across groups, studying the development of sensory regulation across childhood, and identifying behavioral and psychopharmacological strategies that can help reduce sensory over-responsivity. Dr. Green is also a licensed clinical psychologist and works as an autism consultant with UCLA’s TIES for Families program for families adopting children from foster care.