Our Studies

Below are some of our ongoing studies!

Research Overview

The SCAN Lab combines brain imaging, measures of peripheral arousal like heart rate, and behavior to determine atypical sensory processing in different groups of children and adolescents. We particularly focus on sensory over-responsivity (SOR), which is characterized as a heightened, atypical response to some sensory stimuli, affects multiple clinical groups, and can greatly impact how people process their social environment and function in daily life. Our goal is to better understand what causes impairing sensory processing differences, and how they affect other areas of functioning so we can help develop interventions to improve quality of life.

Current Studies

Sensory Regulation Development: A Longitudinal Study

PI: Dr. Shulamite Green


This longitudinal study aims to examine how sensory reactivity and regulation develops over time in youth with autism compared to typically developing controls. By identifying the neurobioloigcal mechanisms that support sensory regulation development in these groups, we hope to inform the creation of more targetted and effective therapeutic interventions.

We’ve already worked with over 75 children and their families, but we’re still actively recruiting!


2-3 visits to UCLA, over the course of about 2 years 

Each study time-point will include:

  • A 1.5 hour brain scan (MRI)
  • Sensory assessments (some including physiological measurements, such as heart rate)
  • Parent/Participant Questionnaires


Participants will receive:

  • Up to $270
  • A picture of their brain!
  • Optional research report on their sensory processing


Immediate enrollment opportunities for youth with autism or typically developing controls, ages 8-15!


  • Please feel free to email us at scanlab@mednet.ucla.edu if you are interested in participating. 
  • You can also text or call ‪(323) 391-8795‬ for more information and to complete a short screening interview (15 minutes).

Sensory Over-Responsivity Across the Spectrum

PI: Dr. Shulamite Green


This study aims to examine how sensory reactivity and regulation develops in youth across the autism spectrum.

We will measure your child’s heart rate and sweat levels while they play with different sensory games to understand sensory avoidance in autism.

We are also including participants who have a wider range of verbal and cognitive skills.

Some participants may also be eligible for an MRI scan!

This is a new study, and we will start recruiting participants in the fall of 2024!


1-2 visits to UCLA

A study visit will include:

  • Sensory assessments (some including physiological measurements, such as heart rate)
  • Parent/Participant Questionnaires
  • An optional brain scan (if participants are eligible)


Participants will receive:

  • Up to $100
  • A picture of their brain (if they complete the brain scan)!


We are recruiting children with autism between the ages 7-15!

We are also including participants with a wider range of verbal and cognitive skills.  


  • Please feel free to email us at scanlab@mednet.ucla.edu if you are interested in participating. 
  • You can also text or call ‪(323) 391-8795‬ for more information and to complete a short screening interview (15 minutes).

Early Emotions Study

PI: Dr. Shulamite Green, Siobhan Glynn


This study aims to understand when and how nuanced emotion recognition develops and inform potential interventions for young children facing emotion processing challenges. We are interested in how young children with and without autism develop the ability to recognize emotions from others’ facial expressions. This study will also examine how viewing videos of one’s own emotion expressions may help children recognize others’ emotions.

This is a new study, and we are actively recruiting!


The study can be completed over Zoom or during a home visit in less than an hour.

Parents will need to complete online questionnaires about their child and themselves before the study visit.


Participants will receive a $25 gift card!


We are recruiting children with and without autism between the ages 3-5!


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